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Motoraduno in Scalea

Motoraduno — the Biker’s festival coming to Scalea in May!


14 feb 2024

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tropea, amantea, scalea trip report

tropea, amantea, scalea trip report
Posted by: 1Andrew1 (IP Logged)
Date: August 04, 2018 12:08PM

hi, all!

we’ve spent a month of July in our new apartment in marcellina and managed to do some travels (using trains only!). here are reviews of some larger cities we’ve visited that someone might find useful:

Amantea — nice city but with narrow beach (grey sand and pebbles). waters with extremely strong current. also, if you like to sleep on the beach, your relaxation will be spoiled by train that runs loudly along it. another thing, we have been surprised by the amount of refugees we saw there, have not seen almost any in our parts — marcellina and s.maria del cedro, so did not expect to see them in Amantea, but surprise, surprise!

Tropea — beautiful town with lovely monastery in the middle of the city. beautiful, but small sandy beach (which is in parts hard to get as you have to walk downhill. walking down not too bad. walking up is nightmare very happy overall, worth a visit it’s mentioned in Daily Telegraph

This photo of Tropea Beach is courtesy of TripAdvisor

Scalea — it’s a closest large city to marcellina, so we have been there few times during our holiday. one time we rode our bicycles, rest of times we took a bus for only 50 cents one way as it became too hot for cycle long distance. scalea is nice city with huge but grey pebble beach (some parts of the beach is grey sand or very tiny pebbles). many restaurants, huge crowds walking about until 2 a.m. what i have noticed, crowd consisted for about 70% of families which make you feel very safe. but after hustle and bustle of scalea we were happy to come home to marcellina for peace and quiet.

basically, as a conclusion, i must say, we are happy with our choice of the area we bought our apartment in. we also met english couple who also own leasehold apartment in s.maria del cedro and they have said they went on train as far as sicily which is something we’d like to explore maybe at end of september. if anyone wants to join, you are very welcome!


Edited 2 times. Last edit at 08/04/18 12:10PM.

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