as new habitants of marcellina (and users of the beach of santa maria del cedro) we must say that s.maria is full of holidaymakers in summer. marcellina is mostly occupied by locals and population in july increased but not too much. so it gives an impression of constantly and evenly populated town thru out the year. we have been staying at our apartment in marcellina from beginning to end of july (and before that we’ve been there end of april) and beach of s.maria del cedro with only 10 min bicycle ride from us. so we have noticed that s.maria became full of people more and more each day in july and i think in august is will burst
but we have been promised that in september most holidaymakers will disappear and town will slowly be back to tranquility we are after
however we enjoyed crowds in s.maria and scalea, particularly during celebration of some sort about
15–17 july, it was absolutely amazing attraction to visit. in general, if you want more quiet life, go for marcellina, if you want more hustle and bustle of the holidays season, then s.maria del cedro or scalea are towns for you. august is peak of season and both cities will be overridden with crowds of holidaymakers, mostly families as we have noticed.