Official website of City of Scalea (Calabria, Italy) in English


25 may 2024
Summer festival in Scalea

Summer festival will take place on the streets of Scalea 31/05–01/06. Free entrance.


5 may 2024
Motoraduno in Scalea

Motoraduno — the Biker’s festival coming to Scalea in May!


14 feb 2024

Wish wish a lots of Love to all site visitors!


24 dec 2023
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to holiday home owners and those who just visiting our fantastic City of Scalea!


10 feb 2023
Street carnival

Carnival will take place in Scalea 14–16 February 2023


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[Forum List] / EAT & DRINK

Your favorite meal in La Playa

Your favorite meal in La Playa
Posted by: Joe77 (IP Logged)
Date: September 17, 2017 09:21PM

Just came back from Scalea and I think it would be great idea to share your favorite meal in one of the restaurants you like to go to. 

In La Playa (nice restaurant just before the Tower Talao) I like Pizza and Fusili Calabrese (type of pasta with pork mince and wild mushrooms). Owner Franko ASL - Age Sex Location is very attentive nice person, we’ll be coming beck for more and more.

Re: Your favorite meal in La Playa
Posted by: mozg (IP Logged)
Date: September 18, 2017 01:59PM

Great idea!

My favorite one in Tegamino Capricioso — it’s a large bowl of mussels, octopuses, prawns cooked in tomato sauce. Yuuummmmmmy!

Re: Your favorite meal in La Playa
Posted by: mozg (IP Logged)
Date: March 15, 2018 04:30PM

that’s how it looks:

Re: Your favorite meal in La Playa
Posted by: mozg (IP Logged)
Date: March 17, 2018 03:00PM

But I do like all pastas with seafood (except pasta with salmon)

Here is spaghetti with clams (spaghetti alle vongole)

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