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Summer festival in Scalea

Summer festival will take place on the streets of Scalea 31/05–01/06. Free entrance.


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Motoraduno in Scalea

Motoraduno — the Biker’s festival coming to Scalea in May!


14 feb 2024

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24 dec 2023
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Is there coronavirus in Scalea, Santa Maria del Cedro and in Calabria in general?

Re: Is there coronavirus in Calabria?
Posted by: mozg (IP Logged)
Date: April 07, 2020 10:00PM

Check it out — one of our BoJo’s doctors — a doc from Calabria!

Luigi Camporota, of Catanzaro origin and graduated in Reggio, is considered among the world’s leading experts in respiratory diseases. I translated by Google from this link

«The prime minister is in good hands, in excellent hands. The best »reassures the minister who received the fate of Great Britain on Sunday night from Boris Johnson. And he, the brave and reckless Boris who shakes hands with Covid’s patients, enters the tunnel of difficult breathing but at his side, swears who knows it, there is the best of the best among the white coats. And among these, among the luminaries who are dealing with the prime minister, there is (at least) an Italian, according to the Times and the Coriere della Sera: Luigi Camporota, considered one of the top experts in intensive care medicine and above all of difficulty respiratory. Catanzaro of origin after his studies in Reggio Calabria, ended in 1995, Camporota obtained a doctorate from the University of Southampton. His studies on the use of respirators and various machines as well as on how to manage acute respiratory crises are regularly published in the most important medical journals in the United Kingdom. It cannot be excluded that the coronavirus epidemic contributes to change the tone of the conversation about immigration, which with Brexit had sometimes taken xenophobic folds.
«When we talk about the emigrants of this country, we must remember that these emigrants are currently saving lives in our hospitals,» said Piers Morgan on TV, a presenter who has always been very favorable to Brexit. The first two doctors to die of Covid-19 in Britain had arrived in the UK from Sudan, while more than 7,000 nurses who studied abroad but practice in Britain are said to be.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 04/07/20 10:22PM.

Re: Is there coronavirus in Calabria?
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: April 07, 2020 10:18PM

We are glad to let all know that from 18th of April Italy starts enrolling Fase-2 which means starting slowly getting back to the normal life. And it starts from Calabria — the least affected by Coronavirus region of Italy. More shops to be opened, Some parks will now can be used which may include use of public beaches! Social distancing and some other precautions will still be in place.

“In short, the situation is improving throughout Italy and we are preparing to reopen, which obviously will be slow and gradual. The Southern Regions, where the epidemic arrived only in a very marginal way and no hospital criticality occurred (even, always in Calabria , the beds of the intensive care units are only 10% occupied ), will be able to be a model-laboratory for the restart of the whole of Italy”


Re: Is there coronavirus in Calabria?
Posted by: den (IP Logged)
Date: April 08, 2020 12:59PM

Joe77 wrote:
den wrote:
Brits wrote:

We wish we didn’t return back to UK in the beginning of the March, but stayed in Scalea.
It sounds like safest place in the world now.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at
Hey guys, unlike you, I’ve decided to stay in Scalea after the lockdown and have no regrets.
Shops here are full with everything, food, booze and PLENTY OF TOILET PAPER
Weather for the past few days was more than +30°C in the sun!!!
«Tired» of Bbqs on my terrace everyday with my neighbors… 
Wish you were here
Sounds like a plan for
WW3  wink
Originally we’ve bought our place here as a holiday home, but now it’s our hideaway for this pandemic, and any other world crisis, that might be in the future.
Keep safe.

Edited 2 times. Last edit at 04/08/20 01:01PM.

Re: Is there coronavirus in Calabria?
Posted by: den (IP Logged)
Date: April 08, 2020 01:04PM

admin wrote:

We are glad to let all know that from 18th of April Italy starts enrolling Fase-2 which means starting slowly getting back to the normal life. And it starts from Calabria — the least affected by
Coronavirus region of Italy. More shops to be opened, Some parks will now can be used which may include use of public beaches! Social distancing and some other precautions will still be in

“In short, the situation is improving throughout Italy and we are preparing to reopen, which obviously will be slow and gradual. The Southern Regions, where the epidemic arrived only in
a very marginal way and no hospital criticality occurred (even, always in Calabria , the beds of the intensive care units are only 10% occupied ), will be able to be a model-laboratory for the restart
of the whole of Italy”

Thank you very much for the information!!!
It’s very nice to know, that in 10 days we will be back to normal lifestyle!!!

Re: Is there coronavirus in Calabria?
Posted by: Joe77 (IP Logged)
Date: April 09, 2020 01:47PM

den wrote:
admin wrote:

We are glad to let all know that from 18th of April Italy starts enrolling Fase-2 which means starting slowly getting back to the normal life. And it starts from Calabria — the least
affected by
Coronavirus region of Italy. More shops to be opened, Some parks will now can be used which may include use of public beaches! Social distancing and some other precautions will still be in

“In short, the situation is improving throughout Italy and we are preparing to reopen, which obviously will be slow and gradual. The Southern Regions, where the epidemic arrived only
a very marginal way and no hospital criticality occurred (even, always in Calabria , the beds of the intensive care units are only 10% occupied ), will be able to be a model-laboratory for the
of the whole of Italy”

Thank you very much for the
It’s very nice to know, that in 10 days we will be back to normal lifestyle!!!
As far as I understand it won’t be 100% back to normal just yet, but first step towards it…

Re: Is there coronavirus in Calabria?
Posted by: den (IP Logged)
Date: April 10, 2020 12:38PM

Joe77 wrote:
den wrote:
admin wrote:

We are glad to let all know that from 18th of April Italy starts enrolling Fase-2 which means starting slowly getting back to the normal life. And it starts from Calabria
— the least
affected by
Coronavirus region of Italy. More shops to be opened, Some parks will now can be used which may include use of public beaches! Social distancing and some other precautions will still be in

“In short, the situation is improving throughout Italy and we are preparing to reopen, which obviously will be slow and gradual. The Southern Regions, where the epidemic arrived only
a very marginal way and no hospital criticality occurred (even, always in Calabria , the beds of the intensive care units are only 10% occupied ), will be able to be a model-laboratory for the
of the whole of Italy”

Thank you very much for the
It’s very nice to know, that in 10 days we will be back to normal lifestyle!!!
As far as I understand it won’t be 100% back to normal just yet, but first step towards it…
Yes, but at least we’ll be able to go to the beach and swim in the sea.

Re: Is there coronavirus in Scalea, Santa Maria del Cedro and in Calabria in general?
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: April 17, 2020 10:21PM

Slow re-opening in Calabria goes as planned!

The President of the Calabria Region, Jole Santelli, has signed an ordinance that introduces some changes in the measures so far adopted for the containment of Covid-19.

The first change regards the movements within one’s own town of residence or towards other neighboring municipalities for reasons connected with the carrying out of agricultural activities and the management of small animal farms. A measure shared by President Santelli with the councilor for agriculture, Gianluca Gallo, which became necessary in light of the considerable number of farmers and amateur breeders that make up the productive fabric of our region.

Another novelty, introduced by the ordinance and the result of the comparison of the councilor for tourism Fausto Orsomarso with the realities of the sector, regards water parks, bathing establishments and state-owned maritime concessions. Starting from tomorrow, upon request to the Prefect, it will be possible to go to the areas concerned to carry out maintenance, accommodation, cleaning, installation and setting up of the beaches, without carrying out modifications or new works.

Third and final point of the ordinance signed today by President Santelli, concerns the processing of confectionery products that fall within industrial and non-commercial activities.

Therefore, the activities will not be inhibited on holidays, provided that they take place in rooms that are not open or accessible to the public. The delivery of the products must take place only «at home», in compliance with the hygienic-sanitary requirements, both for packaging and for transport.


Re: Is there coronavirus in Scalea, Santa Maria del Cedro and in Calabria in general?
Posted by: alex.p (IP Logged)
Date: April 18, 2020 11:49AM

admin wrote:

Slow re-opening in Calabria goes as planned!

The President of the Calabria Region, Jole Santelli, has signed an ordinance that introduces some changes in the measures so far adopted for the
containment of Covid-19.

The first change regards the movements within one’s own town of residence or towards other neighboring municipalities for reasons connected with the carrying out of
agricultural activities and the management of small animal farms. A measure shared by President Santelli with the councilor for agriculture, Gianluca Gallo, which became necessary in light of the
considerable number of farmers and amateur breeders that make up the productive fabric of our region.

Another novelty, introduced by the ordinance and the result of the comparison of the councilor
for tourism Fausto Orsomarso with the realities of the sector, regards water parks, bathing establishments and state-owned maritime concessions. Starting from tomorrow, upon request to the Prefect, it
will be possible to go to the areas concerned to carry out maintenance, accommodation, cleaning, installation and setting up of the beaches, without carrying out modifications or new works.

and final point of the ordinance signed today by President Santelli, concerns the processing of confectionery products that fall within industrial and non-commercial activities.

Therefore, the
activities will not be inhibited on holidays, provided that they take place in rooms that are not open or accessible to the public. The delivery of the products must take place only «at home», in
compliance with the hygienic-sanitary requirements, both for packaging and for transport.

Great news.

Re: Is there coronavirus in Scalea, Santa Maria del Cedro and in Calabria in general?
Posted by: admin (IP Logged)
Date: April 27, 2020 01:00PM

Italy continues it’s way to normal life.

From 4th of May many business will be open, permitted movement (with self-certification) will include visit of relatives, visits to parks and beaches will also open, but people must maintain safe distance.  

If all go good, more restriction are planned to ease on from 18th of May with more businesses to open.

From 1st of June all bars and restaurants should be opened with full freedom of movement inside Italy to be reinstated.

Government is working hard on plans to re-open international travel, however exact date and steps have not been announced yet.

Re: Is there coronavirus in Scalea, Santa Maria del Cedro and in Calabria in general?
Posted by: Brits (IP Logged)
Date: April 27, 2020 07:17PM

Hopefully we’ll be able to come over to Italy soon.

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